Sport England’s Pandemic Response

When the pandemic stopped play in March 2020, I was responsible for quickly developing a new social media strategy and approach to align with Sport England’s objective to support the grassroots sport and physical activity sector.

Over the year that followed, I grew and led the team to surpass KPIs across all of Sport England’s social media channels, enhancing the organisation’s reputation and (more importantly) helping clubs and facilities survive and people to stay active.

What we did

One of the challenges was simplifying, often complex and frequently changing, information related to the government’s Covid restrictions (often at short notice).

My strategic approach was to prioritise being useful to the sector and as responsive to government updates as possible. From explainer graphics and FAQs to sharing insight and resources, the team were agile and worked to make info more digestible and clear.

This approach resulted in Sport England’s most successful year ever for the combined corporate channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn), with above target increases from March 2020 – March 2021 across all our KPIs (engagement rate, link clicks and follower base). All without any paid spend.

The speed and accuracy of our social media team’s response gave partner organisations confidence in our advice and enhanced Sport England’s reputation.


  • 33% increase in follower base
  • 13.6% increase in average engagement rate
  • 124.8% increase in post link clicks